Hey, poker playas!
This is now part 2 of the story of Hista. We are sharing part 1 and part 2 on the same day as what we are after if to tell the story.
the stories of the past can help people see the new future.
Now back to the story
A cup of coffee and a sad story
As we sat back passing the time, waiting to be called to when a seat is available. Hista was once again the quite eager person to share his story.
Seeing that I was not busy. He approached us and told his story. How he was unlucky in the past and how good he is in poker.
But he was not able to get a chance. If only he was able to get a chance.
He proudly said that he would keep the money and put it aside. and slowly he would change his life.
The out of town adventure of Hista
Back then, big tournaments were not that common in the Philippines. There were only 2 major organizers and there was a lot of time spread in between.
There was the APT and the APPT. Sometimes it was held in Manila while other times it was held on another island south of Luzon.
Hista was actually lucky. A group of poker players decided to bring him along and stay with them for free just as long as he would do some services for them.
As the story goes, Hista had a time of his life. He was brought to the beaches and ate the same food as the group. He was treated decently as one of the group. As it was an international event and was allowed in the event to do his side job. he was able to earn a decent income.
As we were familiar with the group. they told us Hista hit it big and was able to earn 600k. He chose to stay on the island when the group came back. it took awhile before we were able to see Hista again.

Pokerista special satty
happening today
August 12, 2021, 5 PM
1 seat to the Mini main Event
Entry – free
rebuy – 100
add-on – 100
Back to Manila
Seeing him in Manila, we tease him about how big he finally is. His usually smiley face suddenly became a frown. One of the guys that brought Hista to the island explained what happened.
Hista blew it all on the gambling. All of it was ate by the one-arm bandit.
And now he is back massaging people to earn an income.
He still hangs around the poker room. as he can not perform his services inside a casino. oftentimes he has to rely on the goodness of others.
We approach him one day and ask him if he would like to join the tournament of Pokerista.
The tournament had free entry. re-buy is set at 100 PHP and add-on. we told him that we would gladly shoulder the other expense and he was always wanting to have it. a chance.
Did he accept it?
Proudly, he did not. Although oftentimes we would see him play on his phone. He claimed that his eyesight is poor. He is also claimed that he is more capable at live games but he must not play the smallest blind but the bigger one and must not have the minimum buy-in.
Moving forward
The biggest reason we wanted to share this story was in no way to say bad things about the person. Hence we chose to hide his identity.
But we needed to tell the story because we wanted to show people such things do exist.
There are people who would oftentimes say if they were only given a chance. but the truth sometimes is that people do get chances. but they throw it away.
Sometimes the chance is in front of them but it is not a chance that they want. it is the jackpot or the easiest way with the most minimum effort and a guaranteed yield.
But there is also another side of the story.
Two side of a coin
The market for poker in the Philippines is big. but at the same time, it is not that easy to tap.
You have players like Hista that demand everything for nothing. terms like premium players deserve more percentage.
Most organizers or sites believe that offering short promos will entice them. Nope, it is not going to be that easy. But at the same time, there are good people in the industry who really do not get chances.
But that is another story to tell.