We often hear some people say, “if only they were given a chance they will work hard.”
But how many are really looking for those chances? How many people will really grab that opportunity and make it real?
The chance
Pokercast Asia coordinated with 1234 network to run a humble promotion. Why not give players who can not afford it have a chance to play the event?
1234 management kindly agreed to our request and offered to give away seats to the players on our terms.
We made it so simple and so easy. Like, comment, or share our simple Facebook ad and we will award players with a seat.
It was a very simple and humble promotion. It was a chance. And Bokz Ungria took it.
Bokz Ungria
Bokz Ungria has been seen in a lot of events. He is also a known Handler of the cockfighting industry. Which is quite popular still in the Philippines.
But as we all know, right now, we are still in a pandemic. The Philippines was badly affected by it and endured long and hard lockdowns to curb the spread of the disease.
Both the poker industry and the cockfighting industry suffered a huge blow. The future is still uncertain.
A loving husband and a responsible family man, even during the lockdown, he found ways to support his family. Actively Offering homemade meals for deliveries or grabbing any opportunities. He is determined to rise from this pandemic.
He even was active in helping others who were also suffering from the pandemic in any way he can.

Upon seeing the promotion. Without a second thought. He started sharing it and asking his friends too. It was a chance and during this pandemic every chance is important.
He was one of the lucky winners to win the seat. He was happy and registered for the event. Took his online seat and played the best he can.
Focus and determined, He was alert on taking down weak players. Slowly and patiently increasing his chips. He wanted to win.
He did and finished in second place.
Congratulations to Bokz Ungria.

We at Pokercast Asia are so proud of him, and there are two more scheduled events that have the same buy-in and guarantee!
To join here is a simple guide. click here.
there are two more events. if you want to join. Click here
if you need help to buy-in simply send us a message.
We hope players will take it!
Stay strong poker playas and see you soon!