Vilma “Vivee” Goldman is a fighter.
She started playing poker in 2015, and she had a knack for it, becoming a sponsored player and a pro in just a short time. She was running hot on a new career.
She even represented the Philippines in the IFMP.
The road to going to reach the top was not without roadblocks. However, Vi was determined to rise from the new challenge. Until a new battle came that force her to take a break.
She was diagnosed having cancer and had an operation to get rid of the disease. For a while, she tried to pick up her life. But cancer came back.
Undergoing chemotherapy, and even the high dose of chemotherapy only weaken the cancer cells. Vi now has to undergo anti-angiogenic therapy in hopes of finally get cured.
Despite having to battle cancer herself, she started a small project that is slowly gaining attention. Spreading positivity on a new website where she wants to educate people about cancer, share tips on playing poker, and keeping a positive outlook even when there are challenges in front of us.
In a recent interview, we asked more about her current condition and what will be next for her.
What was the inspiration behind the site?
“Honestly, it was about cancer. There are so many things that people do not understand about cancer, The stages and warning signs, treatment available. Even the information about the test that can help us discover if we have cancer is not readily available. If I knew then what I know now, I could have availed treatments early on. I want to be able to help spread the knowledge so that other men or women can discover if they have cancer and seek treatment before it spread.”
Is cancer the main focus of the site?
The main focus of the site is to inspire people to continue fighting. No matter what they are going through. Never give up. I know it is not easy. The pandemic has affected so many people. There are days I am in pain, and yet I am still fighting.

Your article “it is okay not to be okay” is coming from your experiences. it was very personal. What made you write it.
I am going through a tough time right now, but someone noticed from the way I speak I always reassure people. A friend of mine called me and asked me if I needed help, I did, but I ended up saying I am okay. I always want to be independent, but now I have to admit I do need help. While writing it, I also realized some people could be going in that same situation. I broke down when I finished it, with so many people losing their jobs. There may be people out there who are also trying to act tough but breaking down inside. Lend a shoulder to people, sometimes that shoulder means so much more than you think.
Will your website have poker content and do you have plans to play poker again?
I honestly can not play right now, even if I wanted to. I do not have the strength. Even online is a big issue as I sometimes get dizzy just by looking at the screen. My site will carry some stories of my poker adventures and some tips and guide for players. But until my health is okay. I doubt I can return to the poker felt, but I have some friends who are interested in playing. I want to guide them properly by offering them advice.
Do you have any advice for people who are wondering if they have cancer?
If you feel something is wrong with your body. You have to listen to your gut because it is your own body. You have to pursue it with your doctor, and you have to ask them what the necessary test is, lay it down on the table and let you choose which test because most doctors choose for you. They would offer a cheap test, but it is not reliable. Yes, I know a PET scan is expensive, but it would save your life and will save you time. I had to go through so many tests, but everything kept saying normal, and they could not tell me what was wrong. Pet scans are thorough.
We would release more of her interview soon on other subject matters. meanwhile, you can visit her site at